The Reading Revellers
In support of the National Public Library Initiative,
we are organizing an
Essay Writing Competition
on the topic
we are organizing an
Essay Writing Competition
on the topic
पुस्तकालय खै, ओलि बा? Where is our Library, Mr. Oli?
Please submit your essays to
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Selected submissions will be showcased in one of The Reading Revellers Series.
Submissions will be accepted and shortlisted in regular interval.
Use the following Cover Template
Selected submissions will be showcased in one of The Reading Revellers Series.
Submissions will be accepted and shortlisted in regular interval.
Today, we highlight an often confused as uninteresting challenge to the public, i.e. Public Library.
As a physical location of a National Library is losing its importance out of adversarial interests in a developing nation, we as “The Reading Revellers: Padhne, Kasto Majja!”; realize this important time in history. While in loss of a physical place, it is important to not lose sight of this important initiative; its long term importance to an otherwise challenged developing nation.
We have with us, Mr. Naresh Koirala!
Today, in "The Reading Revellers Series (TRRS) - I" we will discuss
The importance of public libraries.
And, why is “Now” the best time to act on it?
What is at stake?
Naresh Koirala is an engineer, licensed professional currently living in Vancouver. His "Revoke the stop-work order" article was published on Aug 27, 2020. This article challenges the current administration's efforts to stop construction of a National Public Library in the capital city of Nepal.
Welcome to "The Reading Revellers Series - I", Naresh jiu. Thank you for starting this TRRS in Vancouver. Please help our audience understand this better.
The importance of public libraries.
And, why is “Now” the best time to act on it?
What is at stake?
We hope that the importance of A National Public Library gets heard and addressed soon.
In support of the National Public Library Initiative,
we are organizing an
Essay Writing Competition
on the topic
we are organizing an
Essay Writing Competition
on the topic
पुस्तकालय खै, ओलि बा? Where is our Library, Mr. Oli?
Please submit your essays to
Use the following Cover Template
Selected submissions will be showcased in one of The Reading Revellers Series.
Submissions will be accepted and shortlisted in regular interval.
Use the following Cover Template
Selected submissions will be showcased in one of The Reading Revellers Series.
Submissions will be accepted and shortlisted in regular interval.
Comments from #thereadingrevellers
Rakesh Shrestha, Vancouver
"Interesting interview. Highly knowledgeable guest, greatly involved in the issue being discussed. Enjoyed the history of libraries in Nepal/world. The interview was well structured and had clear agenda. The host was good at keeping the interview on track and summarizing the discussion at different intervals. BTW, was the intro/exit music an original composition of yours?"
Vishma Bhattarai, Nepal
"नरेश सरले पुस्तकालयको शुरुवात पश्चिमी दृष्टिकोणबाट भन्ने गरिएको, लेखिने गरीएको कुराहरुलाईनै भन्नु भएको छ, जो आधामात्रै सत्य हो, रह्यो कुरा नेपालमा पुस्तकालय नै छैन भन्नेबारे। पुस्तकालय एउटा समाजको अङ्ग भएकोले समाज जस्तो छ, पुस्तकालय पनि त्यस्तै हुन्छ। आफ्नी आमा कपाल फुलेकी, दाँत फुक्लेकी, थोती नै भएपनि आमा नै हुन, विश्वब्रम्हाण्ड नै एकापट्टी र आफ्नी आमा एकापट्टी राखेमा मलाई चाहि मेरी आफ्नी आमा नै गहक लाग्छिन। नेपाल जहाँ रहेको छ भूगोलको त्यो भागमा उत्तर र दक्षिण तर्फको सभ्यता कस्तो थियो कसरी काम गरेको थियो भनेर फुर्सद भए UNESCO Courier 1972 December, सोही बर्षको जुलाई, सन १९७३को डिसेम्बर अङ्क हेरे थाहा हुन्छ, नेपालकोबारेमा चाहि तपाईहरुलाई जान्ने ईच्छा भएमा सन १९७४कोि डिसेम्बरको अंक हेर्नु होला। गोपाल बज्राचार्य, नयराज पन्त, ज्ञानमणी नेपाल, धनबज्र बज्राचार्य, दिनेशराज पन्त, योगी नरहरीनाथका पुस्तकहरु पढेमा थाहा हुन्छ हामी आयरल्याण्डको सर्प जस्तै कि भाईकिङ्गहरुको भालाबाट जोगिदै हिँउ पानीबाट ओतिदै गर्दा कहाँ थियौं भनेर। त्यसैले माफ गर्नुहोला मैले तपाईहरुको यो भिडियो १८ मिनेट मात्रै हेरें पुरा हेर्न सकिन, शायद मुश्किल नै हुन्छ होला यो चाहि अंक दोहोर्याउनको लागि। तर तपाईहरुलाई विश्वास दिलाउछु कि अन्य अंकहरुलाई निरन्तरता दिने नै छु। जेहोस परदेशबाट मातृभूमिको सेवाकालागि जे गर्नु भएको छ, धेरै गर्नु भएको छ, मेरो पनि सहयोग चाहिन्छ भने मैले सकेको सहयोग गर्ने नै छु।
निरन्तरताको कामना सहित,
तपाईको शुभेच्छुक भीष्म"
Ajay Pradhan, Vancouver
Here's the link I shared earlier today on Zoom.
Open the link and click "Read Book" button.
The book will automatically download for free.
Thousands of books in Nepali and English.
BP Koirala's Books
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If you already know of this site, ignore my email.
Everyone else, enjoy.
Thank you everyone who send us constructive supportive messages. We highlight some of their love here.
Please send your comments/feedback/questions to
In support of the National Public Library Initiative,
we are organizing an
Essay Writing Competition
on the topic
we are organizing an
Essay Writing Competition
on the topic
पुस्तकालय खै, ओलि बा? Where is our Library, Mr. Oli?
Please submit your essays to
Use the following Cover Template
Selected submissions will be showcased in one of The Reading Revellers Series.
Submissions will be accepted and shortlisted in regular interval.
Use the following Cover Template
Selected submissions will be showcased in one of The Reading Revellers Series.
Submissions will be accepted and shortlisted in regular interval.